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Colegio de Arquitectos Cataluña - Barcelona



Vivienda Rural


Lead Architects

Sebastian Contreras


Project Year




Sebastian Contreras





Social housing, priority housing, affordable housing, half of the housing, are different names for the same problem. The deficit and quality of housing in our South American territory.


The case in Colombia has differences that create a scenario somewhat more difficult to deal with than its South American neighbors. The armed conflict that has been urged on for more than 50 years, has left the rural territory in a catatonic state. Little clarity on who owns the land, a high housing deficit in more than half of the country's municipalities, and poor spatial and constructive quality of housing to name three problems have left 85% of the population living In the field in situation of extreme problem.


It is here that the question of project is born What is the design strategy that allows to lower the cost of construction of the house, but improving the spatial quality of this so that a family lives on average for 6 people, where it should be destined Interior space for the storage of food and sisters, typical of productive areas and that dialogue with the rural landscape?

We achieve this through a constant evaluation of the impact of the project on the site, the energy incorporated from the materials, the social impact and the spatial warmth.

Estación Espacial Arquitectos Maintains a highly personal level of service throughout the design process and offers strong technical and structural solutions through close collaboration with the technical offices.

©  Estacion Espacial Arquitectos

All rights reserved for Estacion Espacial Arquitectos
All content copyrighted to Arq. Sebastian Contreras R




115 Brougham ST

Cod. Postal: 6011, Wellington,

New Zealand.



Cra 19 No. 53 B - 19 

Cod. Postal: 111311, Bogota,



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